My Story

The Short - Hey, My name is Dwight Ubiñas. I am a guy with a van filled with parts, carrying a heavy tool bag and over 15 years experience repairing medical mobility equipment. Call us to have your motorized wheelchair, scooter, hospital bed or lift chair repaired at the comfort of your home.
The Long - Once upon a time there was a young mother in New York City that gave birth to 3 boys. Not at the same time of course. However, two of those boys were twins. Dwight (me) was one of the twins that grew up playing video games with his brothers. Dwight did notice that he enjoyed doing things with his hands and helping people. Fast forward, with a lot of things happening in between, he went to a trade school in lower Manhattan where he learned how to use tools and troubleshoot vehicles. During the 7 month program, he was working at a pharmacy filling prescriptions to help pay tuition. Once he graduated, he noticed that auto shops would not hire him because he didn't have a drivers license. They would tell him "how would you test what you just repaired?" After several failed interviews, the school found him a job at another pharmacy that needed a technician to repair medical equipment. He was a perfect fit! With a passion to help people, he picked up very quickly and learned how to fix medical equipment. A decade later, he decided to become an entrepreneur. Starting his own business repairing durable medical equipment in the New York and Northern New Jersey Area.